Es soll e–Courts für schnelle Verfahren geben. 4. Strafanzeigen müssen einfach, online und anonymisiert gestellt werden können. In Zivilprozessen …
Category: Uncategorized
Richard Susskind: “Cada vez mais, os processos na justiça não acompanham a sociedade digital”
O professor britânico Richard Susskind, autor de obras como “Tomorrow’s Lawyers” e “Online Courts and the Future of Justice”, alerta: “Não acho que …
Direito e tecnologia em debate na Abreu: “Se as empresas são afetadas pela revolução …
Entre os oradores deste evento estão o escritor britânico Richard Susskind, autor de “Tomorrow’s Lawyers” e de “Online Courts and the Future of …
With e-challans system, things get easier in State’s Transport Deptt
Virtual Court, popularized by the Supreme Court’s E-Committee, is a concept … Implementation of virtual courts freed up 19 judicial officers, who could …
To be first-generation lawyer is an adventure in itself: Adv. Abhinav Sood, P&H High Court
How do you think the concept of e–courts will evolve post COVID? I think that e-hearings will continue to coexist with physical hearings in a regulated …
Qatar- Rise of specialist international commercial courts discussed
The past 10-years have seen many milestones for the Court, specifically the launch of Mediation Services, the Pro Bono service and the e–court …
Rise of specialist international commercial courts discussed
Doha: The Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre … the launch of Mediation Services, the Pro Bono service and the e–court system.
Virtual court and e-challan project in Assam
The Chief Minister of Assam SarbanandaSonowal have inaugurated the Virtual Court (traffic) and e-Challan project in Assam. The Information and …
Land records in 19743 of 20000 C’garh villages digitized: CM
Revenue Minister Jaisingh Agrawal said that modernization of the revenue court hearings has been made. E–courts have been set up. This will bring …
QICDRC showcases growth of specialist international commercial courts
The past 10-years have seen many milestones for the Court, specifically the launch of Mediation Services, the ‘Pro Bono’ service and the e–court …